Boron Doped Photosensitive Fiber

咨询热线:010-88866512  浏览: 8073

      Fibercore’s photosenstive (PS) series of fibers are co-doped with Boron and Germanium. The combination of Boron and Germanium gives extremely high photosensitivity whilst maintaining a relatively large Mode Field Diameter (MFD). The high photosensitivity level ensures that high reflectivity Fiber Bragg Gratings (FBGs) can be inscribed in a short period of time with or without Hydrogen loading the fiber. PS-fiber may be used ‘straight from the shelf’, without hydrogenation, delivering a strong and consistent degree of photosensitivity indefinitely.
      PS fibers provide significant advantages for high volume FBG production lines by dramatically reducing the production time per FBG, for example in diode laser FBG stabilizers and gain flattening filters.
      PS1250/1500 has been designed to match the MFD characteristics of typical, dual-wavelength, 1310nm and 1550nm telecommunications fiber, making it ideal for the fabrication of add-drop multiplexers or Erbium Doped Fiber Amplifier (EDFA) Gain-Flattening Filters (GFFs).
      PS980 has been designed to be used to pigtail 980nm EDFA pump diodes, enabling a wavelength-stabilizing (or ‘pump-locking’) grating to be written directly into the pigtail.



• Extremely high photosensitivity for rapid inscription of high reflectivity FBGs
• FBG inscription is possible without the need for Hydrogen loading
• Dual Band PS1250/1500 fiber suitable for 1310nm and 1550nm applications


Typical applications:

• FBGs
• Fiber Lasers
• Temperature Sensors
• Strain Sensors
• Biomedical Sensors


Product Variants:

• PS750 Very highly photosensitive fiber for FBGs around 780nm
• PS980 Very highly photosensitive fiber for FBGs around 980nm
• PS1250/1500 Dual wavelength very highly photosensitive fiber for FBGs around 1310nm and 1550nm


Related Products:

• SM Fiber for Visible Through to Near IR (SM)
• High Temperature Acrylate Coated Fiber (SM-HT)
• Polyimide Coated SM Fiber (SM-P)
• Pure Silica Core SM Fiber (SM-SC)


版权所有:北京路源光科技有限公司  ICP案号:京ICP备12038764
地址:北京市海淀区远大路39号1号楼青清商厦5层504室。   邮编:100097  电话:010-88866512